Years of experience
Happy customers
Products in our webshop
Buy affordable and fresh flowers and plants directly from the auction
Buy flowers and plants at auction prices
When you give us your order, we buy against the most competitive prices possible, direct from the auction.
Decoration articles, packaging and accessories
Our webshop provides the complete package, so you will be done with one delivery.
We only buy the highest quality plants and flowers. That is our first priority.
Network of importers, growers and other suppliers
Everyone has his own speciality. We brought every specialist together in one webshop. You can always compare and choose the best price.
You will receive the direct telephone numbers of our buyers. This way we and you can always act quickly.
Delivery throughout every country in the world
We deliver in every country in over the whole world. The sky is the limit.
Click the button below and log in with our demo account te see the prices.
Username: demo
Password: demo
We are a wholesale company in flowers and plants close to the source as we are in the centre of the biggest flower market in the world. We can arrange every flower or plant you can think of, for the best price possible.
Every day we buy the best quality flowers from the auction or direct from our Dutch growers. It is our mission to help florists keep purchasing sharp, so that they can make the margin they need. We have flower shops ourselves and understand how things work in your shop.
We have short lines with our customers. You will receive our direct telephone numbers and we are always available for questions and comments.
Do you want to be informed of the latest news about flowers and plants? Do you want to get inspired or do you want to read where the flowers and plants come from? Then read our blogs about the flowers we offer, the growers we work with and a look at the store(s) of our customers.